Getting Started
First, we will configure the software with specifications from your current membership forms. We'll define and configure all "membership types" (i.e., "Collegiate", "Non skating", etc), and configure rules so that your members fill out the proper fields and complete their applications correctly.
Then, we'll ask for your membership roster -- we'll need a spreadsheet containing names, addresses, emails, etc for all your existing members. We'll use it to populate your membership database on our website.
We organize your members by family, so that each family has one account that they can use to manage their personal information and process their renewals each year.
In additional to new-member applications and membership renewals, the site also offers these features:
- Test sessions -- Accept registrations and credit card payments for test sessions, with support for in-club and out-of-club fees.
- Contract Ice (Club Ice) -- Accept registrations and credit card payments for freestyle sessions and classes with support for in-club and out-of-club fees.
- Merchandise Sales -- Sell club logo merchandise, banquet tickets, show sign ups, etc. to your members.
- Mass Emailing -- Email all members or various subsets of members, based upon search critieria, to keep your members updated and informed.
- Volunteer tracking -- Create an "event" for which you need volunteers, and your members can login & sign up to contribute.
- Donations -- Solicit your members for contributions to funds that benefit your club or its members -- such as scholarship funds.
- Custom Questions -- Configure the software to ask your members for any information you need. For example, primary skating activity, favorite skating rink, etc.
- Advanced searching -- Search your roster by membership-type, or even by their answers to your custom questions (see above).
- Reporting -- A full suite of reports is available to you -- including roster information, feedback from your custom forms, revenue information, renewal data, volunteer information, etc.

Revenue and Fees
Your entry fees will be directly deposited into your account. Everything is automated. Funds are electronically deposited into your bank account after the automatic deduction of the per-member fee from the original payment. No paper checks, no invoices -- get your money when you need it!

Have questions?
Give us a call! We would be happy to talk with you about your membership requirements. Click the "Contact Us" link on the left side this page to find our toll-free number.